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Basic Basil Pesto

Makes 2 cups of Pesto

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

Blend Time: 5 minutes

I have killed almost every house plant I have ever owned. Gardening has never been on the top of my “fun to do” list. When I bought my house in Athens my grandmother gifted me two galvanized garden beds. What the heck was I going to do with these? Grow basil, apparently was the answer. So every spring I watch my best friend Kira plant these four plants for me and then by the end of summer reap the benefits with a pesto-making party and (so far) I haven’t killed one yet.

A bowl of freshly made pesto, a sprig of basil and garlic bulbs on a dotted tablecloth.


4 cups fresh basil leaves (no stems)

4 tablespoons pine nuts (or walnuts)

3 large garlic cloves

3/4 cup olive oil

3/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

  1. Blend the basil, nuts of choice, garlic, and olive oil together in a food processor or a blender until the mixture is smooth.

  2. Add the cheese and add more olive oil if needed.

  3. Store it in the refrigerator or freeze until you want to use it.

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